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The 25th doctor’s anniversary of Uncle Guus Gerhard, in the middle with beard, and to his left Aunt Jet Gerhard-Aarsse, then eldest son Theo, then Anneke de Vries, then the deaconess, then Grandma Hahn-Aarsse; the last gentleman in that row is Uncle Thé, a brother of Uncle Guus. Behind little Anneke; Zsofi Toth, behind that Annie Cornelius, (later Annie de Vries) and to her left Annie de Vries-Ot (those two changed husbands at that time). Behind Theo, Aunt Corrie Aarsse-Lignac, Robert Aarsse’s grandmother. Behind Aunt Jet, Line Gerhard, Uncle Guus’ sister. The Gerhards came from Harderwijk (Donkerstraat, where the Mooy family also lived). Between Uncle Guus and Aunt Jet the youngest son Guus, who lived in Johannesburg, and to his right Anna Coops-Gerhard, Uncle Guus’ eldest sister. Next to her Aunt Do Bosscha, with floppy hat. On the small table in front of the mayor and his daughter the present, a film camera, called a magic lantern because of its “sinful” appearance. This because of the vicar next to the mayor and the Farmers’ Committee, which had decorated this tribute. They did laugh when they later saw themselves walking on the film made by the supplier of the device.