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jet_aarse_en_gus_gerhard Jet Aarsse and Gus Gerhard

Aunt Jet became a teacher and then went as a governess with the Borel family to Egypt. When the family was transferred to India, Aunt Jet decided to go back to Holland alone. She was the only woman on a cargo ship. The crew did not like this very much because they now had to dress neatly for table and watch their manners. The captain advised Aunt Jet to disembark especially in Marseille because the Bay of Biscay could be so rough. However, the ship’s doctor (Uncle Guus) thought it would be best for her to stay on board, so Aunt Jet said “Yes, I’m going” one day and “No, I’m not going” the next. Finally, she did disembark in Marseille, but she had left a handkerchief in her cabin. The ship’s boy brought it to the ship’s doctor: who later had the handkerchief washed and ironed by his Mother. He then wrote a letter to Aunt Jet telling her that he was coming to return the handkerchief, but if she would please come and pick him up from the station as he did not know his way around The Hague very well. When the letter was read aloud, grandmother Wilhelmina said, “Jet, you didn’t flirt after all” . “No, Ma,” said Aunt Jet. But between the station and the house on the Nieuwe Uitleg, Uncle Guus had already asked her and she said “Yes” too. Uncle Guus and Aunt Jet first lived in Herwijnen; then Uncle Guus got a practice in Elspeet where they lived together for many years. The doctor’s house was between Elspeet and Staverden Castle, near a grove of pines, and it was called: “in the Pines”. In the vernacular, Uncle Guus Gerhard was called: “Gaard mit den Dennen”.

One day an Elspeter farmer said to Uncle Guus: “What do yer know about it?” “I’m actually a farmer too. I have a goatee and two pinks,” said Uncle Guus. In Elspeet, many families are called “Mouw” (“sleeve”). When Aunt Jet walked through the village with Uncle Guus, if they were greeted he would say, “Hello Sleeve”, or, “Hello Vest”, or, “Hello Coat”. Only later did Aunt Jet find out that there were no Coats or Vests, only Sleeves.

The Hahn children often stayed with Uncle Guus and Aunt Jet during holidays. Aunt Do stayed there for three months when she fell ill (in a pavilion in the pine grove). Later, during the anniversary of the Dioconessen hospital, she met Uncle Huug, who brightened up the festivities with a small music orchestra.

oom_gus_met_auto 1931. Uncle Guus was the first to have a car for miles around, and later a radio. Here, Auntie and Uncle sit on the running board at the doctor’s house in Elspeet.

When Prince Hendrik had a serious car accident near Elspeet” he was nursed at home with Uncle Guus and Aunt Jet until he could be transported again.

Uncle Guus had only one eye. He had lost the other during a hunting party, by the mayor of Rotterdam, ‘s Jacobs. The compensation - fl. 1,000.

In World War II, Uncle and Aunt moved to Voltastraat in Amersfoort. Grandma Hahn lived with them. After Japan’s capitulation, cousins Joke and Jettie Hahn and cousin Henri Aarsse found a hospitable address with Uncle Guus and Aunt Jet until their parents returned to the Netherlands. Later, Uncle and Aunt went to a centrally located retirement home in the centre of Amersfoort. Grandma Hahn went to the Hospice Wallon in Amsterdam. Aunt Jet took care of Uncle Guus for a long time, who was somewhat childlike in old age. In his mind, for instance, he did not age beyond 27, an age when he had not yet met Auntie. Patiently, she explained to him all the time exactly who she was.

Uncle lived to be 80, Aunt Jet 90: it was a good marriage.

jet_jet_gus_en_ineke gus_jet_en_kleinkinderen mimi_gus_ineke_jet_oma doktershuis_in_elspeet
Uncle Gus Gerhard and Aunt Jet with Clara and Ineke                                                                              Uncle Gus Gerhard and Aunt Jet with their grandchildren: Ineke, Henrietta Clara and Guusje                       Aunt Mimi [Gerhard - de Witt], Uncle Guus [Gerhard], Ineke, Aunt Jet [Gerhard - Hahn]and Grandma Hahn Doctor’s house in Elspeet. With Jet Gerhard?